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40th Anniversary of Title IX: The Next GenerationAs the Faces of Title IX stories show, women and girls have come a long way since the enactment of Title IX --
the federal civil rights law that prohibits sex discrimination in
education. Still, far too many students are denied equal educational
opportunities. The National Women’s Law Center works to eliminate and
prevent barriers to students' success in school. Although Title IX is
best known for breaking down barriers in sports for women and girls, it also opens the door for girls to pursue math and science, requires fair treatment for pregnant and parenting students, and protects students from bullying and sexual harassment, among other things.
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A Pregnancy Test For Schools: The Impact of Education Laws on Pregnant and Parenting StudentsParenthood is not the end of the road for teen moms. Quite to the
contrary, motherhood can serve as an educational motivator for many
young women. Unfortunately, educational barriers and discrimination
often thwart this drive and determination. Despite Title IX's
prohibition against sex discrimination, there are schools across the
country that continue to bar pregnant and parenting students from
activities, kick them out of school, pressure them to attend alternative
programs, and penalize them for pregnancy-related absences. Read the report, A Pregnancy Test For Schools: The Impact of Education Laws on Pregnant and Parenting Students.
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Title IX at 40: Working to Ensure Gender Equity in EducationYou've heard about Title IX and athletics, but Title IX is about much
more! In honor of the 40th anniversary of the law's passage, the
National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education published a
comprehensive report to help give educators, parents, students, and
lawmakers a better understanding of Title IX's impact and challenges
that remain in many areas of education, in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, Career and Technical Education, Bullying and Sexual Harassment, Single-Sex Education, Pregnant and Parenting Students and Athletics.
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Obama Signs Equal-Pay LegislationPresident Obama signed his first bill into law on January 29, 2009 approving the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, a law named for Ms. Ledbetter, fourth from left, an Alabama woman who at the end of a 19-year career as a supervisor in a tire factory complained that she had been paid less than men.
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Celebrate the 23rd National Girls & Women in Sports DayNational Girls & Women in Sports Day began in 1987 as a day to remember Olympic Volleyball player Flo Hyman for her athletic achievements and her work to assure equality for women's sports. Events are conducted around the country and on Capitol Hill throughout the month to celebrate the athletic achievements of girls and women and to promote the continued expansion of opportunities for girls to play sports and live physically active lives.
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Arizona Rape Case SettledLandmark rape case at Arizona State settled with plaintiff awarded $850,000 and the Ariizona University system to establish a women's safety czar for all three major campusus.
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Pregnant and Parenting Students Sue Southern California School District for Being Forced into Substandard Education ProgramsIn September 2004, a lawsuit was filed in Southern California on behalf of pregnant and parenting students against Antelope Valley Union High School District and the Los Angeles County Office of Education.
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V is for Victory. So is IX!The WSF launched an online version of a new advocacy campaign that aims at teaching parents about their daughters' rights in sports. Check it out at www.Vis4Victory.org.
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New Rochelle Loose CannonsThe New Rochelle Loose Cannons are one of the top teams in the Westchester Women's Soccer League (WWSL). Over five years old, the league is competitive but demands good sportsmanship from all participants and represents skill levels ranging from D1 college to lifelong athletes. Captain Lucille said, "Without Title IX there would be no league. Without Title IX we wouldn't still be calling ourselves athletes. Without Title IX...life wouldn't be as full."
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Supreme Court Decision Protects Remedies for Gender Discrimination in Public SchoolsWhen Congress passed Title IX it intended to create a new statutory remedy that would supplement, not replace, Constitutional and other legal protections against sex discrimination.
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