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Below are legal cases pertaining to Title IX
President Obama Signs The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay ActPresident Obama signed his first bill into law on January 29, 2009 approving the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, a law named for Ms. Ledbetter, fourth from left, an Alabama woman who at the end of a 19-year career as a supervisor in a tire factory complained that she had been paid less than men.
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Fallout from Fresno State's Multi-Million Dollar CasesValley Title IX advocate named Woman of the Year
Fresno State's Milutinovich honored for unwavering commitment to gender equity
The California State Senate honored Diane Milutinovich, Associate Athletic Director emeritus of California State University Fresno, as the Sixteenth Senate District's Woman of the Year for her many contributions to women's athletics and her unwavering fight for gender equity in higher education. Milutinovich recently retired from Fresno State after 27 years as a highly-respected coach and athletics administrator. Her strong advocacy for gender equity ultimately led to her removal from the athletics department, spurring charges of gender discrimination and resulting in a $3.5 million settlement by the University in 2007.
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National Wrestling Coaches Association v. United States Department of EducationThe United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit affirms dismissal of a case brought by wrestling coaches and others asking that Title IX's athletics policies be declared illegal on the grounds that they discriminate against men.
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Lavalli v. Texas State University, San MarcosKari Lavalli was an Assistant Professor of Biology at Texas State University-San Marcos on a tenure track, with a good record of teaching, scholarship and service.
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Zimmerman v University of California-BerkeleyKatherine Zimmerman, a self-employed single parent with 10 years experience in the computer industry, was running her own computer consulting business from home while raising two daughters.
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Cohen v. Brown UniversityIn November 1996, women at Brown University won a ruling in federal court that the University discriminated against women when it demoted its women's gymnastics and volleyball teams from university-funded to donor-funded varsity status and then argued that it was in compliance with Title IX.
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Pederson v. Louisiana State UniversityIn 2000, female students at Louisiana State University sued their school for refusing to offer them athletic participation opportunities equal to those it offers its male students.
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Alexandria, Virginia High SchoolAt an Alexandria, Virginia high school, the boys' baseball team plays on a field that the city itself calls the "Field of Dreams."
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30 colleges and universities fail to give female athletes fair shareIn June 2002, a sampling of 30 colleges and universities in 24 states were cited for failing to give their female athletes a fair share of athletic scholarship dollars as required by law.
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Davis, Aurelia v. Monroe County Board of EducationIn December 1992, a fifth-grader named LaShonda was the victim of prolonged sexual harassment from a boy who sat next to her in class at Hubbard Elementary School in Monroe County, Georgia.
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Sharif v. New York State Education DepartmentIn 1989, a federal court ruled in Sharif v. New York State Education Department that the state of New York could no longer rely only on SAT scores to determine who would receive state college scholarships.
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Female High School Student Faces Barriers in Pursuing her Interest in ComputersIn May 2001, a female high school student in Hawaii filed a lawsuit in federal court against the state Department of Education, alleging that she faced barriers in pursuing her interest in computers after a boy in her computer class downloaded pornographic images, superimposed her face on the pictures, and circulated them. This student complained that a hostile classroom environment interfered with her opportunity to learn.
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U. of Colorado at Boulder Settles Lawsuit Over Alleged Rapes at Football Recruiting Party for $2.85 MillionOfficials at the U. of Colorado at Boulder have reached a settlement with two women who claimed to have been gang raped by football players and high-school recruits at a party in 2001.
The settlement brings an end to a long-running scandal that cost several top university officials their jobs and called into question a university practice of showing prospective football players a "good time" as a federal appeals court dubbed it in a recent court ruling during their visits to the campus.
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