Standardized Testing
Before Title IX
Girls consistently scored lower than boys on standardized tests. No one even considered that scores could be affected by the kinds of questions asked or how they were asked. But they are.
Since Title IX
Title IX requires that tests must be valid predictors of success in the areas being tested and that they measure what they say they measure. If a test doesn't meet this standard, and if it results in a lower score for a significant number of members of one sex, it may be unlawful.
Why Title IX Is Still Critical
Testing disparities continue to have a harmful impact on educational and economic opportunities available to women and girls, and particularly to students of color. The educational divide deepens in high stakes tests.
- Despite Title IX requirements, most standardized tests used in K-12 classrooms and for university admissions continue to show gender gaps and under-predict the abilities of females.
- Gender differences in math and science start small and grow as students reach secondary school, where boys outperform girls on standardized tests.
- Fewer females than males receive valuable awards, such as the National Merit Scholarship, because test scores are still used as the sole qualifying criteria.
The need for Title IX protections increases daily with new state and federal mandates imposing high-stakes, gateway tests on our children, beginning as early as 4th grade.
Take Action
Ask the Secretary of Education to
Keep Title IX Strong
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